Prana is the energy force of the universe that comes into our energy centers through our breath, which then affects us on the material plane. Through meditation and focus, prana can be directed to each individual chakra to help you balance and heal that chakra.
I believe it is fundamental to understand our own being from a vibrational and energetic standpoint. Nikola Tesla said “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.“ A basic understanding of the chakras is necessary to achieve higher spiritual understanding. I do not intend to give an in-depth description or discussion about the chakras here, only shed light on a subject that for some, Time needs to be spent on. I will give links to some teachings that I have found helpful. This is a widely discussed and fairly well-known subject. Many others have covered this topic far better than I could. The intention of this website is to shed light on one’s path back to understanding Natural Law or God’s Law and becoming a living expression of it.
The Seven Major Chakras